Tuesday 27 March 2012

Tutorial five- Video Productions

My chosen topic of interest is stroke rehabilitation drawn on from my previous fieldwork experience when i worked in a rehabilitation ward. I have found five different sources of on line video content that help explain, demonstrate, or provide personal experience of stroke rehabilitation.

My first on line video is about the effects of stroke on the human body. This is important to know in stroke rehabilitation so you can understand what the patient is going through and will be able to be more knowledgeable in the rehabilitation.

My second on line video demonstrates how occupational therapists can work with clients in stroke rehabilitation.

My third on line video focuses on strokes and what to do to rehabilitate someone who has had a stroke

My fourth on line video shows stroke rehabilitation from a physiotherapists and occupational therapists perspective
My fifth on line video is about how occupational therapy benefited a patient personally.

Tutorial Four

Occupational Deprivation

The task we were set to do was to work together in groups of three to plan and produce a short film which is approximately 1 minute in length. We could base our films around the one of the four concepts of either occupational justice, occupational deprivation, occupational transition or occupational disruption. We had to plan and storyboard the film before shooting and editing it.
Our group choose to base our film around the concept of occupational deprivation. This is a " transient or temporary condition of being restricted from participation in necessary or meaningful occupations, such as that caused by illness, temporary relocation, or temporary unemployment" (Advance in Occupational Therapy practice, 2011, para 2). Story boarding was important in the planning process as it is a method of visual storytelling which involves illustrating the sequence of events that make up a narrative. Scripting was also very useful as we could write down everything that will be in the film and everyone was clear on what was involved.

Advance in Occupational Therapy practice. (2011). Occupational deprivation. Retrieved from http://occupational-therapy.advanceweb.com/Article/Occupational-Deprivation.aspx

Tuesday 6 March 2012

Tutorial two

Occupational Engagement: Doing, Being, Becoming and Belonging

My chosen occupation is art and craft which involves being creative and allows people to express their personalities. I choose this occupation because on my second fieldwork placement I was placed at a rest home and one of the activities they did with the residents to help occupy their time was art and craft sessions. On my placement I was involved in taking one of the art and craft sessions which required setting up the art area and helping the residents do the art and craft. They did different types of art and craft including painting, mosaics, colouring in and paper Mache

Doing: The concept of doing includes purposeful, goal orientated activities; doing has been the traditional preoccupation with occupational therapy (Hammell, 1998a).

Being:  Being is defined as a time to reflect, be introspective or meditative, discover the self, savour the moment, appreciate nature, art or music in a contemplative manner and enjoy being with special people (Hammell, 1998a).

Belonging: Duggan & Dijkers (1999) describes the necessary contribution of social interaction, mutual support and friendship, and the sense of being included, to occupational performance and life satisfaction.

Becoming:  (Hammell, 1998a) describes the idea that people can envision future selves and possible lives, explore new opportunities and harbour ideas about who or what they wish to become over course of their biographies and how their lives might be experienced as worthwhile.

Ethical consideration:
When I made my power point about art and craft I had to take ethical issues into consideration. I ensured that I had informed consent from the people I took photos of and that all my online sources were authentic.

Hammel, K. W. (1998a). From the neck up: Quality in life following high spinal cord injury. Vancouver, BC: The University of British Columbia, Unpublished doctoral dissertation.

Duggan, C.H., & Dijkers, M. (1999). Quality of life- Peaks and Valleys: A qualitative analysis of the narratives of persons with spinal cord injuries. Canadian Journal of Rehabilitation, 12, 181-191

Tutorial one

Definition of information and communication technology:
“Information and communications technology (ICT) refers to all the technology used to handle telecommunications, broadcast media, intelligent building management systems, audiovisual processing and transmission systems, and network-based control and monitoring functions. Although ICT is often considered an extended synonym for information technology (IT), its scope is broader.ICT has more recently been used to describe the convergence of several technologies and the use of common transmission lines carrying very diverse data and communication types and formats” (Technopedia, 2012, para. 1). This definition of information technology and information communications technology is very broad and is used to define all of the different types of technology used today and even the transmission lines themselves. This show how diverse and what a wide range of it,

 How information technology has become prevalent in our society:
IT has become very common in today’s society and most people use it in their everyday lives. Most people have mobile phones that they carry with them every day. Laptops are now replacing bulky computers with most New Zealand households having the internet that is used on a daily basis. People are using the internet to keep in touch with friends and family through email and social network accounts. IT is used in the everyday work and school environment, with computers, calculators’, I phones, I pads all being used to increase productivity and increase the effectiveness of learning. IT is all around is in our society it is used in working environments, schools, universities and our home environments. Although IT is very useful to make our lives easier many people can become dependent and lose touch with the natural environment.

 What IT devices that I feel comfortable and confident using:
I’m not a big technology person but when I think about it I do use IT a lot in everyday life. I always have a mobile phone with me and use it to keep in contact with family and a friend although it’s just a basic phone as all i want to use it for is texting or phone calls. I am comfortable using basic IT that I am familiar with, but I do feel uncomfortable using IT I am not familiar with. Since I have started studying at a tertiary level it has expanded my use of IT as I am having use a laptop, the internet regularly and use technology in my assignments. I live on a farm at Raglan and until one month ago we didn’t have the internet but we had to get it so could use it do my study work. This is very uncommon as most people have the internet and are very surprised that we are just getting it. Although it has been very helpful as I can access the internet to do my course work. I have to listen to lectures, audios and do readings relating to my papers that are all accessed on the internet. So I use IT to engage in the purposeful occupation of studying, and i use my cell phone to communicate with my employer. I work in a retail store and I use the intranet to work the tills and manage the everyday systems to report to the head office. If the intranet goes down at the store I am unable to work the tills or run the store.

How information technology is used in Occupational therapy practice:
Occupational therapists use IT a lot to research information, to write and store patient notes and using phones to communicate with clients, their families and other work colleges. Although there is some issues that come with OT relying on IT too much for their work. It can cause Dislocation from their role, routine and become common place. Sometimes it can Create more work, and sometimes it feels like are things are not being made simpler. It can cause stress to therapists as there is always updated equipment and it is stressful to keep up, learn and cope with the new IT. Relying on IT can lead to dependence and there can be power failures, storage issues and there is always something newer and better than you already have. Although I can envisage IT becoming a potential tool of practice as some hospitals are now trying to implement that all notes are typed and stored on computers so there is no paper trail. A great understanding of IT will help us in our practice and daily lives because our goal is to enable occupation. To help people to do occupations we have to do in depth research, using the internet and find adaptive equipment/ technology to benefit the client. There is a lot of amazing IT devices that can help people who have illness, disability or injury to be able to participate in meaningful occupations that they are now not able to do. This requires the OT to have in depth knowledge about all the IT devices and equipment that can benefit their clients. It also requires the therapist to have knowledge of were to source the IT devices and equipment from. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A4Bf9Sv8JdE

 Ethical considerations that arise from the capturing, sharing and transferring of information via IT devices:
Although IT is beneficial there are ethical implications that arise from capturing, sharing and transferring of information via it devices.
 • Informed consent
• Greased data
• Storage and access
• Ergonomics and environmental adaptation
 • Is there and easier or simpler way?
 Greased data is can be a problem once personal information is digitized and entered into a computer on a network; the information becomes "greased data" that can easily slip across networks. Many people rely on IT to store and access information this can be an issue as many people are stopping paper trails altogether and just relying on computers. If something happens and the computers break then this could be a big problem and all the information can be lost. information technology there is today.


Techopedia. (2012). Information and communications technology. Retrieved from http://www.techopedia.com/definition/24152/information-and-communications-technology-ict


This is my very first blog that i have to complete for my paper Participation in occupation, in the occupational therapy course i am doing.